Sommor Records present the first ever vinyl reissue of Franck Valmonts Et Synchro Rhytmic Eclectic Language, originally released in 1976. A fabulous French/West Indies Afro-jazz-funk-Caribbean-fusion album, originally released on the Moshe-Naim label by poet-singer-painter Franck Valmont accompanied by multicultural progressive jazz-rock band, Synchro. Featuring Jo Maka (Intercommunal Free Dance Music Orchestra) on sax, Louis Xavier on bass and fuzz-bass, Georges Nouel on electric piano and organ, Gerard Curbillon from Magma-related prog-fusion band Speed Limit on electric guitar, and Yves Dolphin on drums. Includes "Diamant", "Malere", and more. Remastered sound. Original artwork; includes insert.こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。
猫の恩返し DVD 2枚組
Air max tailwind 5
948 組曲 オンワード樫山 ベロア テーラードジャケット ダブルボタン 無地
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Nike フード付きジャケット 黒 レディース M
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